Nick Malcolm
About Me


The photographs that follow are an offshoot of a project that I am working on that will hopefully be complete in the first stage by 2012.

The first 24 photographs were taken by Paddy Dennis in December of 2010. They are images of Detroit. They include photo's from inside the GM headquarters, with the current Cadillac, the Volt station, and a architects rendition of what the town is supposed to look like. The balance of the photo's show the town as it is. They include abandoned destroyed storefronts, images of fields, and images of the Heidelberg Project.

The second group of photographs were taken by Nicholas Malcolm in May of 2011. They are images of Camden, New Jersey. The photo's are off buildings, churches, signs, and words. They include the words of Basho, Neruda, and others. These quotations were in part attributed to Sonia 'Shorty' Morailes. I have since found that she works for a Catholic Doiceses in Camden.

I have decided to post these photo's on my website for the sole reason of allowing the viewer to observe the disparity that they hold. I do not wish to use this as a platform, and do not propose to know the solution to what you see.

- Nicholas Malcolm

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